Aloha Shastaferians/Lemurians!
After returning from my Tonga Whale Retreat this past September 2018, and having amazing incredible experiences, Nagwal, the Ancient Cosmic Golden Avatar Whale, has asked me to bridge/create a New Lemurian Rainbow Bridge from the South Pacific Humpback Whales (at 19.5 latitude), where we created the Lemurian Portal in 2011 to the Hawaiian Islands, the Big Island at 19.5, to Mt. Shasta!
We will be bringing Mt. Shasta to Hawaii and Tonga to Hawaii for an expanded Rainbow Bridge, anchoring the center point Lemuria, on the Big Island.
This is so exciting! Our the Northern Pacific Whales will be here at this peak season. The Southern (in spirit) and Northern Pacific Humpback Whales will join together here, and I will also be calling in the Atlantic Humpback Whales to join US as well. I was with the Atlantic Humpback Whales for 2 annual trips in the Dominican Republic before I started going to Tonga 15 years ago.
I carry, within my cells, an energetic triangle of the Humpback Whales. By uniting The North Pacific, South Pacific and Atlantic Humpback Whales will come together in a special triangular formation, as Nagwal oversees this mission to bless and initiate everyone within their core Beingness.
It is through your own Akashic Records in the Quantum Field of All Possibilities, that you can elevate and evolve your Beingness into a refined, “Lightbody.” These higher vibrational frequencies from the whales triangulation will transmit “Divine Frequencies” as they flow through each of you, transforming and transfiguring you at a cellular level, enabling you to See and Know, “Who You Are!”This retreat is intended to build the Lemurian Rainbow Bridge that we created last July in Mt. Shasta with our amazing “Tribe,” of 13 Lemurians where we connected the Rainbow Bridge from Hawaii to Mt. Shasta at that time.
Now, Nagwal is asking us to expand this Lemurian Rainbow Bridge and those of us who will be meeting next June will be even more expanded by assisting us here in Hawaii with the dolphin and whale energies and frequencies. This will enable US to even do more together in Mt. Shasta, June 15-19 2019, when we meet for our next adventure into a higher exploration into “Who We Are,” and “Why We Are Here!” We will once again join the whales in Tonga from October 8-23, 2019.
All are welcome. Please check out my Mt. Shasta Page if interested.
Lemurian Stargate Rainbow Bridge Gathering of the Tribe
Imagine the excitement that the dolphins will provide as you enter our beautiful Hawaiian waters with their squeaking playful sounds calling you to come and play the leaf game with them. Experience them spiraling and spinning all around you, creating a vortex that begins to change your frequencies. We can hardly control our laughter as we play with them, sometimes even causing a mask to leak, and it doesn’t matter, for you and the dolphins are in endless BLISS!If this wasn’t enough, you may decide to slow down and begin to float in the sacred waters, feeling such bliss and serenity with these exqusite vibrations of the highest frequencies. Our Cetacean Akashic Record Keepers emit sonic tones of love, peace, harmony and compassion in a bubble of Light and Love, raising our vibrational frequencies to the highest level that Cosmic Law will allow!As you immerse yourselves in this blue green Higher Heart Light you realize you have touched the Heart of the Divine with your Lemurian Higher Heart, becoming “One,” Lightbody to Lightbody with the Whales!! You feel like you are dreaming, then realize you are Here and Now experiencing the most incredible Divine Experience within your total Beingness!Also on this retreat experience, we have a dolphin snorkel boat and a whale watch trip. We will explore sacred sights including waterfalls, Heiaus, botanical gardens and the sacred City of Refuge, where we will have our ”Forgiveness Ceremony” - letting go of All the Old thought forms and emotions attached to them.
Following is a tentative itinerary and is subject to alternate realities. Saturday: February 16th 3:00 pm. Gathering of the Lemurian Tribe for meet and great. “Stargate Opening,” as the Lemurian Tribe unites in “Oneness.” Sunday: Whale watch/Dolphin-snorkel boat swim. Monday: Heiau Kawaihae, Pohakukohala with Lanny Sinkin. Special Guest Lanny Sinkin* will share teachings from the Temple of Lono and a ceremony involving a request to our ancestors to show us the truth. Tuesday: Dolphin/Whale watch boat. Wednesday: Morning off. Meet at 3:30PM at Peace Garden, walking Peace Labyrinth. Admission price $10 adults $7 senior Thursday: 2nd Dolphin/Whale boat trip Friday: 10:00 am, closing of our Stargate Lemurian Rainbow Bridge. Does not include: flights, food, accommodations and transportation or optional boat day. |
This schedule is flexible, so we will flow with the energies if things change during the week. As co-creators we will create the Best Possible week for the highest good for ourselves and all concerned.
Hope you can join me for this NEW first time Stargate Lemurian Rainbow Bridge gathering here in Hawaii!
Looking forward to Sea-ing you in February.
*Here is Lanny’s website and a chapter from his book.
We will also have one of our dearest Lemurian participants, Luana Lani, honoring us
with her beautiful vocal toning throughout our week, where we will be experiencing her
“SOUL SONG,” for energy clearing and much more.
Blessings of love, peace and harmony to you~~
Love and Light
808-323-2568 cell: 808-896-3132
last update:NOV 2018