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The Luminous Vavau
Vessels Experiences of 2005
Our arrival on the
island of Vavau. We are happy to be in Tonga and onto the boat
to our island home in Paradise for the next week.
We started our Birthing Adventure, the day of Alessandras B-day. This was very symbolic of how our group pod unfolded our experiences into a higher level of awareness, joy and love. Celestes B-day on our last day completed our island and physical whale process into Re-newed Light and New Beginnings.
As we came to dinner each night, we shared our closing thoughts and days of bliss with fabulous nurturing meals.
Our first morning at Sunrise. What a wonderful way we started our day before venturing out to meet and commune with the whales.
We are so excited to be going out to meet the whales and embrace their vibrations of love and nurturing and at this moment we were feeling these vibrations for each other, the human whale pod.
We were so blessed to of have been able to spend 3 hours with this Mom and Baby. Mom hung peacefully below us, just looking up at us while the baby would playfully and joyfully come up like a dolphin to be with the human pod. Mom so trustingly allowed the baby to commune with us. When it was time for her to take her breath, she would slowly glide toward the surface for a few moments, transmitting love and nurturing, then back again to mom. We would actually have to move out of her way, yet she would never hit or hurt us.
These underwaters shots are by Belinda Farrell.
I am very honored and blessed to be able to swim with these Incredibly Loving and Nurturing Multidimensional Beings of Light, the Humpback Whales. I have swum with the whales many times. The combination of staying in the most beautiful island and meeting the whales Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul has furthered my own evolution. New awareness continues to take place and my life has shifted into amazing and wondrous days of blessings. Thank you Beloved Humpback Whales for your gift of Love, Peace, Joy and Internal Serenity of Being All I Can Be...
- Celeste (facilitator)
It was such a joy to be immersed in their energy. The whale energy that we encountered was quite profound for me. The energy and the work we shared and did together was just as valuable, mahalo Celeste. I am working on becoming Michael!
and Alessandra
Celestes gentle kindness and attentiveness has made swimming with the South Pacific whales my most memorable adventure so far. Sharing space and time with these miraculous beings has been wonderful. My soul will always feel the vibration and splendor of the communication. -Greg
My intention for my upcoming BIRTH-DAY was to initiate change on the highest level. The gratitude I felt once in the waters with these soulful giants is inexpressible. I felt finally being at home, experiencing Soul, God, the All. No more thoughts just being. In the Now. And the love overwhelming yet so sweet, gentle, beautiful. A reminder of who we truly are, without the veils and the fears pure love. I cannot wait until the next trip, to be reunited again with truth. - Alessandra
Belinda Farrell
Swimming with wild spinner dolphins in Hawaii for the past 10 years has brought me out of fear and into great joy. Swimming eye to eye with a mother humpback whale and her calf in the Kingdom of Tonga, humbled me to the core of my being. These gentle giants transmitted only trust and forgiveness of the past a message they continue to each us even today. - Belinda
Celeste insisted that that I needed to
go on this whale adventure with her. I was recuperating from
a very serious illness and didn't feel I had the energy to go
on such an adventure. I told her no several times, but Celeste
did not give up - this is not like Celeste - so I assumed that
I must go. Once the decision was made preparations for the trip
were effortless and accomplished with ease, including getting
a passport in 3 days. The experience with the whales is beyond
any words that I could express and the healing that I experienced
and continue to experience is almost beyond comprehension. I can
count daily on someone commenting on my physical appearance of
radiant health and well being, something I attribute to my time
with the WHALES. I plan on having many more experiences with
these wonderful, loving, wise creatures. - Gail
and Nancy
Complete inner peace is how I would describe my encounter with the beautiful whales on the island of Tonga. I felt if from the moment I was face to face and eye to eye with those beautiful creatures. The feeling has remained with me. We were at their mercy, they were at our mercy and they were harmonious together and with us. It was a most excellent encounter that I will never forget. Those beauties taught me something ..Mercy, Peace, and Harmony should prevail everywhere! - Karen
Celeste and Alessandra -The Birthday Girls. Beginning and completing of our incredible, amazing, heart opening journey with the Virgo Goddesses. We began our adventures in total anticipation of becoming our true essence and completing the experience in total bliss, ready for our New Beginnings and New Openings to the Higher Realms of Truth and Wisdom, that which the whales are teaching us.
The completion of the most marvelous, fantastic, blissful day on the island in Paradise and dreams of ever lasting JOY!!!
Celeste giving gratitude to the whales, island and all the beautiful experiences and gifts that were presented to her and the group.
May we all be so Blessed with such unbelievable special moments of Inner Peace, Serenity, Love and Bliss of each and every moment! I know I am! Mahalo and Blessings to All!!!
808-323-2568 cell: 808-896-3132
last update: JANUARY 2012