January 2015
Kona, Hawaii
Aloha Cetacean Podners.
I would love to share with you the most amazing morning I had the other day. As I was entering the water to swim I saw the back of a whale!
I felt it calling me.
I went out to meet my beloved dolphins and as I looked up I noticed the back of the whale again over in the shallows. My other friend saw whale blows out in the opposite direction and headed that way.
As you know, it is illegal to swim with the Humpback whales, except for certain remote areas like the DR and Tonga. So, I was mindful of this and yet, I felt the energy draw me towards it, while I was still playing with my dolphin friends.
I looked up again in time to see it surface. This was my clue to quietly swim in that direction. It felt as if I was being drawn to them.
I continued until I saw below me the escort laying at rest only feet below me.
I didn't realize at the time that he wasn't alone, for I had only seen the one whale earlier. Slowly he began to surface on my left. I began moving out of his way because he was so close. Then, when I turned to my right, suddenly I saw the female coming up towards me.
She carried her new born baby on her nose!!
I was just in-between the three of them.
All I could possibly do was stop and allow them to move forward and not get in their way.
It was so amazing...
I had learned from swimming with them for years in Tonga, never to get in-between an escort and the female - especially with a baby.
here was this mother coming up and showing me her new baby.
It was most likely only born that morning - so very tiny by whale standards.
I was surprised that they were both so calm and gentle, since here I was in the middle, as well as this New Born Baby!
They then moved a short distance away, paused and then turned back around and headed towards me again, all the while transmitting this brilliant healing energy of Unconditional Love, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Joy and Bliss.
Here in Hawaii they usually don't stay that long with us, mostly I feel because we aren't suppose to swim with them. In Tonga, I've had these kinds of close experiences, but here, not normally.
Well, there was certainly nothing normal about this experience! I felt they were there for healings purposes and it was as if they knew me; showing and saying to me:
"It is time to birth the New You, Your Authentic Self, in Knowing Who You Are and Why You Are Here!"
Later that day I went into a healing crisis and well as the next day. The frequencies were so refined that the cells in my body were transfiguring the Old Me, into becoming the New Me, whatever that will be.
I am so blessed to have the Grace and connections to these Beloved Whales and Dolphins.
This is an invitation to whomever feels drawn to legally swim with the Humpback Whales, to check out my Tonga trips to swim with the South Pacific Humpback Whales!
It's interesting, I've been working on getting last year's September messages and photos posted to the web site and just when these three Beings of Light appeared to help me heal and transition into my New Phase of BEING!
Hope you enjoyed my experience, the energies were being transmitted to All that are reading this. It is sent with blessings of love, peace and harmony~~~Swim Free in the Liquid Sea of Love~~~~
Love and Light
PS. As I was composing this story I received this message from Grandma Chandra that was a positive sign of synchronicity for me. The White Whale G'ma refers to is from the 13th Density.
I share it with you here as well:
Hello Soul Family!
In keeping with the last teleseminar where we called upon the Cosmic White Whale to bring us more consciously into our Fifth Dimensional bodies, Grandma wants to further enhance your progress.